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Topic Id:
ID topic: 193
Partner Email: guvenir@cs.bilkent.edu.tr
Project Title: A Directed-graph Model for Minimising Communication Requirement in Parallel
Abstract: Matrix-vector multiplication is an essential operation in many algorithms used in scientific applications. Matrix-vector multiplication requires an extensive amount of computation time. Due to high computational throughput requirement, matrix-vector multiplication is performed in a parallel fashion. Depending on the matrix and its decomposition, parallel matrix vector multiplication necessitates communication among processors in the parallel environment in order to calculate result. Here, we present a directed-graph-based model for minimizing communication requirement in parallel matrix-vector multiplication with replication through one dimensional partitioning of the square sparse matrices and we propose an algorithm that shows how the proposed model, which is directed-graph-based model for replicated row parallel matrix vector multiplication, reduces the execution time of multiplication by minimizing communication cost with replication.
Advisor: Halil Altay Guvenir
Degree: Master