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Topic Id:
ID topic: 233
Partner Email: Nicole.Levy@prism.uvsq.fr
Project Title: Design of a webservice component for interaction fusion
Abstract: This project focuses on design a webservice component for interaction fusion. These interactions use sensors network of modalities in several contexts. For example, to interact with a computer in a noisy environment (context), it is better to use a keyboard or a touch screen instead of using vocal commands where misunderstanding will occur. To design a component of the architecture, the student uses researchers work on different technologies as Multi Agent Systems from the AI domain or webservices from telecommunication domain, both of them have the capability of acting and communicating (receive/send). The aim of this component is to realize: fusion of sensors information under uncertainties, accuracy, temporal spaces getting primary events to build complex events (composed events named scenario), detection of context and awareness, decision theories and models. The W3C Standard: XML specification for EMMA, an Extensible Multimodal Annotation Markup language, will be used in this project.
Advisor: Nicole Levy
Degree: Master