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Topic Id:
ID topic: 240
Partner Email: srba@cs.aau.dk
Project Title: Wind Speed Estimation
Abstract: Wind energy has become one of the most important sources of energy today. Therefore, with the rapidly expanding of wind energy, the accurate wind speed forecasting becomes an essential. The wind speed forecasts are used as input for various simulation tools, including wind power prediction tools and market operations. In this project, a data mining approach to model wind speed performance in short-term, such as at 10-min interval, 1-hour interval and 2 hours interval will be investigated. Different data mining algorithms will be investigated, for example, the support vector machine regression (SVMreg) algorithm, multilayer perceptron (MLP) algorithm and etc. For selecting the optimal data mining algorithm, different metrics, such as the absolute error and the relative error, will be used to make evaluation.
Advisor: Jiri Srba
Degree: Master